Technology In The Classroom

Since 1980, there has been a preference for using mobile technology in the classroom. However, many schools still don’t accept using technology at the school, assuming it would hinder the traditional teaching method. But that old-fashioned idea is changing rapidly in recent times as educators are exploring and showing interest in using mobile technology in the classroom to improve education methods. Just like how gambling is evolving in the modern age with the advent of the internet and great online gambling sites such as Slotocash no deposit bonus

Mobile Devices

There are quite a few types of mobile devices out there. Mobile phones are no longer limited to mere pocket devices of communication. In this segment, we will elaborate on some of the most used mobile devices that you should know about:


Laptops are the portable version of a computer, and nowadays, almost all laptops have 2-way network connectivity. Therefore, you can carry and use this mobile device in virtually any increment.


Smartphones have the capability of doing the work of a laptop. There is hardly any person out there who doesn’t own a smartphone; that being said, any phone counts as a mobile device; it doesn’t necessarily have to be a smartphone.


Tablets are a more powerful mobile technology than smartphones, and it has better portability than any laptop.


Smartwatch is a watch that can connect to your smartphone or other mobile device and use Claude’s capabilities. For example, you can check your heart rate, make calls, and see notifications using your smartwatch.

Benefits of Mobile Technology In Classroom

Mobile technology of any sort increases the interest and engagement of the students. For example, students don’t like to carry bags full of heavy books. Mobile technology is easy to carry, and it can contain thousands of pdf books; having one device that contains all the books motivates students to attend classes.

Teaching through a mobile device allows students to record the class. This way, students can watch the class’s recording later and again to better understand the subject.

Students with a disability can get a lot of advantages from mobile technology. It can be considered AT (assistive technologies) for students with special needs. For example, students with autism can communicate with teachers with the help of an iPad; the iPad can be used as communicating or speech generating technology. In addition, a student with special needs feels safe and more confident if they carry an AT device with them.

A mobile device can use ASR ( active student responding) technology to give feedback to students on the spot. With ASR, students can use an app to do calculations or answers, and the app wouldn’t let the student go to the next phase before answering correctly. The student gets an immediate response, but it also fastens the learning process.

Disadvantages of Mobile Technology in the Classroom

Despite numerous benefits of mobile technology in the classroom, there are quite a few drawbacks or disadvantages that require discussion. The first and foremost problem is not all teachers are comfortable with technologies. A teacher must have some tech knowledge, a tech background, or at least a personal interest in working with mobile technology.

The second problem is the attitude and mindset of many educators. Many educators think mobile technology is just a hinder in the classroom and will only disrupt proper education. Keeping a negative attitude towards mobile technology can never turn out positive even before trying it out. Some educators are lazy and try to put everything on technology; it doesn’t turn out positive either. One must put time, effort, plan, and execution into teaching a class full of students using technology.

5 Effective Uses Of Mobile Technology In The Classroom

Teachers and educators may intend to use mobile technology to teach, but they may not know how to do it. In this segment, we will be listing 5 effective uses of mobile technology in the classroom:

Audio Recording

Every mobile device has a built-in audio recording feature. Teachers can use this feature to provide feedback to students. For example, whenever students turn in their homework, the teacher can give them personalized, detailed feedback to help students rectify their mistakes.

Students like audio feedback and even prefer it more than other kinds of feedback. However, you have to understand not all student has a sharp memory to catch on to everything the teacher says once. Therefore, this Audi recording can be heard as many times as the student wants, which is a plus point.

Video Recording

Video recording features can be utilized in multiple ways in the classroom. Students can get a video record copy of the class, which they can watch as many times as they want in their free time.

The teacher can ask for assignments or homework in the form of videos. Students usually just copy-paste articles from various websites, and other students write essays or research topics. So the teachers can ask for the research in the form of video or audio of 5 minutes or less. This way, the students won’t be able to copy from others, and they will enjoy doing their assignments.

Research shows that students show more interest and focus when they learn something through a video instead of books.

Live Quizzing/Polling Tools

Live polling tools, which are mostly free, can help students in many ways. The teacher can use polling tools as a ticket for students’ exit and entrance to the classroom.

Whenever a teacher needs to decide that requires a student’s opinion, he can use the polling tool to know the opinion of the students on the matter.

Instead of printing paper, teachers can use live quizzing tools to take quizzing tests for quizzing. It saves a lot of hassle for teachers and students,, but it also saves paper.

Discussion Forum

Class or a particular subject can have a forum for the students to discuss. You can discuss it whenever you want when you have an online forum. Let us say a student forgot to ask a question in class or forgot to discuss a topic, he can ask the question or discuss the topic on the online forum from home.

Sometimes students feel shy to ask something directly, but they can ask questions and speak their minds freely on the online forum. They can continue the discussion even on weekends.

QR Codes

QR codes can come in handy in many situations. Sharing images, charts, study plans, diagrams, and to share any valuable resources, students can use the QR code system to get it easily without any hassle. QR code makes sharing files and connecting to a server much simpler.

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Nicky known as Nicky Parker, I am a writer and an industrialist by profession. My age is 33 years. My aim is to gather the attention of the targeted audience without being boring and unexciting. I like to utilize the free time in writing my views and thoughts for my book lovers or readers. My most preferred articles are usually about services and business, finance; however, I have written various topics in my articles. I do not have a specific genre. I get very creative when I have to express myself, I often sing, write, or draw to portray my feelings. When it comes to my free time or you can say ‘ME-TIME’, I love to play with my cat, sleep an extra hour or play my favorite video game