
Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/, Have you at any point taken a stab at composing “t” into the quest bar and seen a possibility for type 6? Assuming this is the case, then, at that point, we have uplifting news.

Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Typing tests are frequently referred to as QWERTY tests. The fundamentals of each, as well as the pros and disadvantages, will be covered in this essay.

The QWERTY typewriter, created in 1873, is the most common for typing exams.

This keyboard style has numerous advantages, including the fact that you don’t have to extend your fingers across the keyboard, making it more comfortable. Additionally, typing errors are reduced when the keys are located correctly at your fingertips.

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What is Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error?

whenever u  type “t” in the search bar it shows “”place:type=6&sort=14&maxResults=10/”” , and also “f” shows “”folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&folder=UNFILED_BOOKMARKS&folder=TOOLBAR&queryType=1&sort=12&maxResults=10&excludeQueries=1/””

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How to Solve Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error?

You can solve Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error by following these Steps

Method 1 to Solve Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error

  1. Whenever you see Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error while Typing T or marking bookmark
  2. First Uninstall Google Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser you are using
  3. Then install again
  4. Check if you are facing the error again or not if you are facing the error again then follow method 2

Method 2 to solve Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error

  1. Use History > Clear Recent History… to clear “Browsing & Download History”, “Form & Search History”, and “Cache”.
  2. Open a new blank tab or window, put my cursor into the location bar, and start typing something. Two examples are just the letter “t” or just the letter “p”.

Actual results:

I’m presented with some legitimate suggestions from my bookmarks, but the primary tips in these cases are some sort of erroneous possibly internal identifiers or fragments of URLs/URIs, composed of what appear to be query strings.

When I type a “t”, the first suggestion is presented as “place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10”.

When I type a “p”, the first suggestion is presented as “parent=menu________&parent=unfiled_____&parent=toolbar_____&querytype=1&sort=12&maxresults=10&excludequeries=1”.

Pressing Shift-backspace or Shift-delete does remove the suggestion, but only until the next time I start typing the same letter or string.

Why Do You Face this Place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10/ Error?

You will only see a maximum of 10 items in such a smart query list.

  • “Most Visited” “Recently Bookmarked” and “Recent Tags” are examples of so-called Smart Bookmarks folders and are not real existing folders.
  • Smart folders show a list created by a query of the places.SQLite database that stores bookmarks and history in Firefox.
  • Smart folder lists show a maximum of 10 entries by default.

You can possibly create a new place query bookmark and adjust the maxResults parameter.

Name: Recent Tags
Location: place:type=6&sort=14&maxResults=10


Place:type=6&sort=13&maxresults=10/ bug reported on Mozilla Form

Here is the Bug Reported by a User –  Click here for the full thread

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Use History > Clear Recent History… to clear “Browsing & Download History”, “Form & Search History”, and “Cache”.
  2. Open a new blank tab or window, put my cursor into the location bar, and start typing something. Two examples are just the letter “t” or just the letter “p”.

Actual results:

I’m presented with some legitimate suggestions from my bookmarks. Still, the primary tips in these cases are some sort of erroneous possibly internal identifiers or fragments of URLs/URIs, composed of what appear to be query strings.

When I type a “t”, the first suggestion is presented as “place:type=6&sort=14&maxresults=10”.

When I type a “p”, the first suggestion is presented as “parent=menu________&parent=unfiled_____&parent=toolbar_____&querytype=1&sort=12&maxresults=10&excludequeries=1”.

Pressing Shift-backspace or Shift-delete does remove the suggestion, but only until the next time I start typing the same letter or string.

Expected results:

The primary suggestions presented as “place:something” are not valid URLs, even when prepended with “http://” or “https://” rather than “place:”; none of them appears in my bookmarks, and I’ve just cleared my history. I don’t know if they represent some kind of query format that’s used in the internals of Firefox itself, or what they could be. But they should not be offered.

If there is some legitimate reason that such a suggestion would be offered, pressing Shift-backspace or Shift-delete with the suggestion selected should permanently remove it. Alternatively, there should be some way to clear out whatever data source is being used to generate these suggestions.

Other notes: I’ve been having this problem for a long time, not just in version 66, so this is not a new issue for me. The only extension I have installed is the 1Password extension, but the issue persists even if I disable that.

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Nicky known as Nicky Parker, I am a writer and an industrialist by profession. My age is 33 years. My aim is to gather the attention of the targeted audience without being boring and unexciting. I like to utilize the free time in writing my views and thoughts for my book lovers or readers. My most preferred articles are usually about services and business, finance; however, I have written various topics in my articles. I do not have a specific genre. I get very creative when I have to express myself, I often sing, write, or draw to portray my feelings. When it comes to my free time or you can say ‘ME-TIME’, I love to play with my cat, sleep an extra hour or play my favorite video game