When you are looking for a reliable and profitable opportunity to swap BTC to ZEC, you need to consider many things. First of all, it is the safety level of the place where you are going to perform the swap. The selected cryptocurrency platform shall:
- Be a legal entity: it means that it is better not to swap your coins on just any website that you have found. Check whether the chosen exchange has a legal address, check the registration data with the regulator of the location the platform claims to be registered in, and similar. In other words, take all possible measures to ensure you don’t fall victim to a scammer.
- Have the coins that you need: well if there are no coins that you need, you cannot do much with the service even if otherwise, it is the best one. How to check whether the required cryptocurrency is available? It’s easy, just search for it in the exchange widget!
- Talk to the company’s customer support: it is needed to check whether they are there at all, whether they are willing to fix your issues if any, and whether you like how they treat you.
These are the basics, and once you find a service that complies with these basics, you can move on to check the rest.
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Why LetsExchange Might Be the Exchange You Are Looking for?
Now though, let’s move to the point. If you want to save your time and be confident that you are swapping your coins on the right platform, opt for LetsExchange. This anonymous cryptocurrency exchange has some benefits that, combined in one place, make the platform really advantageous for every trader.
The anonymity of every swap
This is one of the features that are most valued by traders of all kinds. Cryptocurrency is valued for offering anonymity, therefore, platforms shall not compromise this feature. Let’s exchange offers swaps without any mandatory registration. And even if you want to register, no verification is required. Therefore, this place is absolutely suitable to keep your swaps anonymous.
No limits, swap as much as you want
Literally, there are no limitations there. Do you want to send 1 mln BTC? Do it, as long as there is enough liquidity on the platforms of liquidity providers. Do you want to make 1 mln swaps during one day? No issue from the side of the platform, as long as you can manage it physically. And no, it is not exaggerated.
The best rates
Like any instant exchange service, LetsExchange uses an algorithm that scans all the deals available in the selected cryptocurrency pair and chooses the best one for every swap request. It is nice to know that you don’t need to chase the best conditions because somebody has already taken care of it.
Live 24/7 customer support
LetsExchange customer support is available constantly. We have checked, and the guys can explain just whatever you are asking about, and they are fixing the arising issues indeed, not just talking.
Fast exchanges
The entire swap takes some minutes. Sometimes, you might need to wait until the transaction is completed but it even doesn’t take 10 minutes. In rare cases, it might take more but still, all the swaps are completed fast.
A huge variety of coins
More than 370 coins can be swapped in all directions. It means that you will find there not only the most popular cryptocurrencies but also those that are not so common. It means, in turn, more chances to gain profit.
Bottom Line
Now, that you know where to exchange your coins, you can make a test to see whether you will like everything. After that, you can exchange any quantities, any 370 coins, and as many times as you need.