How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software

How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software: You can use Neat Scanner without Neat Software but you need third-party TWAIN compatible software to use Neat Scanner. For Windows users, Neat suggests installing the free NAPS2 scanning software or using Windows Fax and Scan, while Mac users may work with Apple’s built-in Image Capture tool to scan items directly to their Mac without first going through Neat’s organizational software.

How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software In Windows?

  1. Download and install the latest version of NAPS2 from
    neat software
  2. When you first open NAPS2, you’ll need to set up a profile for your Neat scanner by clicking Scan and selecting New Profile.
    neat software free
  3. Click the radio button for TWAIN Driver.
  4. Select Choose device and select your Neat scanner model.
    neat software window
  5. You can choose your settings if desired. For Neat Desktop and NeatConnect scanners, you can set Paper Source to Feeder for one-sided scans or Duplex for two-sided scans. (You can always return to the Profile Settings by clicking Profiles then Edit for the Neat scanner.)
  6. You’re now ready to scan. You can load your pages in the scanner and click the Scan button at the top left in NAPS2.
  7. Once done, you have the option to save it as a PDF or image file.

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How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software Using Window Fax & Scan

  1. Windows Fax and Scan are built into all current versions of Windows. Search programs to open it.
    neat software
  2. Choose whether to Scan into the Fax and Scan utility or to Documents.
    neat software 2
  3. Select Scan Settings if you wish to edit your scanner profile settings.
    neat software free
  4. Pick the profile that matches your scanner model. Then click Edit.
    neat free software
  5. You can make changes such as choosing the color or black and white, changing your resolution, or selecting a new file type to save the scan among others. Click Save Profile when finished.
    free software neat
  6. When ready, click New Scan in the top left to begin scanning.
    get neat software
  7. IF needed, you can rotate the image by first right-clicking the image and selecting View.
    Free software neat get
  8. Use the buttons indicated below to rotate the image.
    software neat gets
  9. Click File > Exit to save your changes.
    neat window software

How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software using Mac Capture

  1. Closeout of the Neat software entirely (go to Neat -> Quit Neat).
  2. Click on the Spotlight icon (the magnifying glass at the top right of your screen) type Image Capture and hit Enter to launch.
  3.  Once Image Capture launches, select the Neat scanner from Devices on the left side of the window.  You can click Show Details to view and change scanner options.
  4. Scan To allows you to choose where to save your scan.
  5. The format allows you to specify a file type for your scan.
    Neat mac
  6. Insert a document into the scanner and click Scan.
More Related Questions to How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software
  1. Question: How do I connect my neat scanner to my computer?
    1. Click Scan.
    2. A Neat Scan window will appear.
    3. Turn your Neat scanner On.
    4. If you have multiple scanners connected, click on the small down arrow next to the scanner name to choose the scanner you want to use.
  2. Question: How To Use Neat Scanner Without Software?
    Answer: You can use Neat Scanner without Neat Software but you need third-party TWAIN-compatible software.

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