Convert 150 Grams to Cups: There are 0.63 cups in 150 grams or we can say in 150 Gram there are 0.63 cups.
150 Grams to Cups in the form of Flour
150 grams to cups answer is given below via table
The U.S. | Metric |
1 cup | 150 grams |
1 teaspoon | 3.3 grams |
1 cup all-purpose flour (USDA) | 125 grams |
1 cup all-purpose flour (Gold Medal) | 130 grams |
150 Grams to Cups in the form of Liquid
150 grams Water equals 5/8 cup.
Related Questions to 150 Grams to Cups
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Answer:Cups in 150 Grams: Pure Water: 0.63401 Cups Granulated Sugar: 0.74678 Cups Powdered Sugar: 1.24073 Cups Honey: 0.44649 Cups All-Purpose Flour 1.19851 Cups Butter: 0.66079 Cups Coconut Oil: 0.68596 Cups Olive Oil: 0.69215 Cups Milk: 0.61257 Cups - Question: How many cups are 150 grams of butter?
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Answer: 250 grams = 1 cup
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Answer: 7/8 cup 200 grams
U.S. cups Grams
2/3 cup 150 grams
3/4 cup 170 grams
7/8 cup 200 grams
1 cup 225 grams
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